
意大利《华人街》消息:2018年10月15日下午7点,第十三届意大利“Premio Nazionale delle arti国家艺术奖”,在西西里当代艺术博物馆Palazzo Riso Sala Kounellis 举行了颁奖典礼,中国籍在读硕士研究生王辉获得了第十三届意大利国家艺术奖(摄影),成为国家艺术奖成立以来第一个亚洲籍获得该奖项的青年艺术家。

第十三届“Premio Nazionale delle arti”国家艺术奖(以下简称PNA)首次在西西里岛首府巴勒莫举行,本届国家艺术奖大展共有4个展厅分布在整个巴勒莫古城中心:Palazzo Zino,Palazzo Mirto ,Oratorio dei Bianchi,palazzo riso,本届国家艺术奖大展共设有11个展览部分(电子艺术,图形艺术,装饰,摄影,互动作品,绘画,视听作品,文物修复,影视剧场景,雕塑,视频装置)。

巴勒莫今年是意大利首都文化年,也是2018年欧洲当代艺术双年展Manifesta 12的举办地。意大利国家教育部,大学和研究总局,高等教育的发展与国际大学和研究部将第十三届国家艺术奖选择在西西里首府巴勒莫同时进行国家艺术奖展览。本届国家艺术奖由意大利全国的美术学院的进行首轮推荐和初选,最终上报教育部300多名青年艺术家进行第二轮竞选。由国家教育部任命的14名参专家小组第二陪审团,最终选定了75名青年艺术家在巴勒莫十月十五日举行国家艺术奖大展。

国家艺术奖展览开幕式当日,由意大利国家教育部任命的专家评审团:Valeria Patrizia Li Vigni西西里当代艺术博物馆(Palermo)馆长,Lorenzo Balbi 博洛尼亚现代艺术博物馆(MaMbo)博物馆艺术总监,Lorenzo Giusti,贝加莫现代和当代艺术博物馆馆长,Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli欧洲当代艺术双年展Manifesta 12届策展人,Claudia Casali 法恩扎国际陶瓷博物馆馆长,在西西里当代艺术博物馆现场评选并公布了年度国家艺术奖。王辉(那不勒斯国立美术学院)入围PNA大展并获得了最终的“Premio Nazionale delle arti国家艺术奖”(摄影)。

王辉从巴勒莫市长Leoluca Orlando接过获奖证书。西西里日报刊登的关于王辉获得本次国家艺术奖的报道。TGR Rai意大利国家电视台对本次国家艺术奖大展进行了全程报道。意大利今日新闻:http://www.palermotoday.it/eventi/cultura/premio-nazionale-arti-2018-palazzo-riso-vincitori.htmlTGR Rai 国家电视台http://www.rainews.it/tgr/sicilia/video/2018/10/sic-mostra-belle-arti-premio-ae898da6-6951-4a99-b67e-b483605e1bd4.html?wt_mc=2.www.wzp.tgrsicilia_ContentItem-ae898da6-6951-4a99-b67e-b483605e1bd4.&wt

王辉简介:现居意大利那不勒斯,独立策展人,国家高级技能摄影师,意大利华人摄影协会常务副会长,伊美术馆青年艺术顾问,凤凰网特约摄影师,国家奖学金获得者。那不勒斯国立美术学院摄影(建筑,环境,人类文化遗产摄影方向)在读硕士研究生。艺术创作和策展主要以影像为媒介。2015年曾代表院校赴韩国韩瑞大学进行展览交流访问。2016年赴意大利游学,2017年获得FEP-欧洲年度摄影相薄大奖, 2018年入选第六届意大利青年摄影双年展六个独立青年艺术家展览项目,2018年获得第十三届意大利国家艺术奖(摄影)。


FEP Professional Photographer of the Year 2017 -Wang Hui (Photo Book Prize)

April 3 2017, FEP held its annual General Assembly in the majestic “Aula Consiliare” of the “Palazzo degli Elefanti”, historical Town Hall of Catania.

In the General Assembly, 22 FEP member associations were represented. The meeting has been held with the presence of the Major of Catania Enzo Bianco as long as the city counselor Lanfranco Zappalà.  

The General Assembly was a part of the fifth FEP Photo Days event; during the Photo Days the audience could attend presentations from 3 MQEP photographers, Günther Egger, Tiina Haring and Antonio Barrella. The annual FEP Professional Photographer of the Year  – competition’s award ceremony was also a part of the Photo Day, this time also joined by the FEP Photo Book Prize.

The winners of these competitions were Peter Cakovsky from Slovakia (Professional Photographer of the Year 2017) and Wang Hui from China (Photo Book Prize).

During the General Assembly the final budget of 2016 was approved as long as the provisional budget of 2017. FEP also adopted a new system for its membership fees: member countries will be rewarded for actively sending QEP/MQEP applications with reduced membership fees.

The General Assembly also unanimously elected a new President for the term of 2018-2020, Truls Løtvedt, from Norway. 

Congratulations to all of the award winners and to the new President! The FEP also wants to express its gratitude to Eugenio Li Volsi, a QEP photographer from Sicily and to the presidents of the two Italian FEP member associations Confartigianato Fotografi and CNA Comunicazione for their great effort to make this event happen successfully!            

@The Federation of European Photographers