王輝 榮獲FEP歐洲相簿年度大獎 FEP – Federation of European Professional Photographers

“FEP – The BEST Photographic BOOK 2017”: “The Life in Tibet”, photographer Wang Hui, China.

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義大利《華人街》網訊:2017年4月2日星期日,在義大利Catania 舉行的FEP攝影日活動期間,FEP頒獎典禮頒發了年度FEP歐洲相簿年度大獎。 本年度大獎賽由Federation of European Photographers-FEP主席Adriano Scognamillo主持,由Marian Benes, QEP(捷克共和國,Jacques Bakker, MQEP(荷蘭),Pierre Delaunay, MQEP(法國),Tiina Haring, MQEP(芬蘭), Robert Lengua, MQEP(西班牙),Eugenio Li Volsi, QEP(義大利),Franz Messenbäck, MQEP(奧地利),Rui Teixeira, MQEP(葡萄牙)Jos Verhoogen, QEP(比利時)擔任本年度歐洲相簿年度大獎賽評委。

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肖像類別: with the book 「In Love With Photography」 奧地利 Volker Hinz and Peter Matthias Gaede.

自然類別: 「Morren Galleries」, 「Touched by Time」, 荷蘭, photographer Daan Oude Elferink.

景觀類別: 「Fields of Battle – Lands of Peace, 1914-1918」. 奧地利, Michael St Maur Sheil.

自我出版類: 「Atelier du Vitrail Saint-Joseph」, 法國, Pierre Delaunay

商業類別: 「Equation of Time」 美國拉斯維加斯, Peter Lik

發行類別: 「White Ebony」 ( Patricia Villocq)「Copacabana Palace」( Peter Bauza) 「Bis Zum Horizont/Towards The Horizon」 (Emil Gataullin and Peter-Matthias Gaede)

2017 FEP歐洲相簿年度大獎-”THE LIFE IN TIBET” 中國 Wang Hui.

王輝在接受義大利《華人街》記者採訪中說道:「這份榮譽,並不是我一個人的榮譽。 這是屬於澤仁師傅與13個孩子們的記憶。 用這樣一種特殊得方式記錄下這份「回憶」,並不是為了祈求更不是為了憐憫。 只是記錄下最本質的生活和回憶。 同時非常感謝澤仁堪布和這些孩子們,感謝你們在説明我和遠方得朋友們學會如何再次去思考我們現在的生活。 ”

王輝(TAUA WANG),現遊學旅居於義大利,曾是一名藏區支教老師,現在每年還會堅持重返那片他魂牽夢繞的高原,記錄下學校裡孩子們每年的成長。 他曾是安徽省雙優畢業生,安徽省雙創之星,安徽建築大學十佳大學生。 2014年獲得國家獎學金,校長獎學金,大學期間成績優異四年連續7次獲得一等獎學金。 曾創作的影像裝置作品《十面「霾」伏》獲得安徽省環保廳和安徽電視臺「尋找天之藍」公益攝影大賽銀獎,個人受邀安徽電視臺進行作品錄製展播,同時在第六屆安徽省雙百大賽中獲二等獎, 並多項專業類競賽中取得成績。 個人藝術作品曾在安徽建築大學藝術館,合肥工業大學建藝館,合肥市圖書館,合肥潤安公學等教育機構舉辦藏區專題影像公益巡展。

如今他一個人,懷揣著對藝術的夢想,放棄了國內的一切獨自一個人來到義大利繼續遊學深造,在意期間創作整理的藏區影像志《生xi》,用純藏文手寫批註在藏區支教的點滴回憶。 該本影像志以其獨特的表現形式和親切質樸的鏡頭語言打動所有評委,在全歐洲參賽的攝影作品集中脫穎而出,當選FEP-2017 The BEST Photographic Book,成為首位亞裔在此系列中獲得的唯一最高獎項,也是大獎賽開辦以來所有專業組獲獎人中最年輕的一位。 同時也是義大利華人攝影師協會的未來發展的堅實力量!

FEP資料連結:歐洲攝影師聯合會(Federation of European Photographers),簡稱FEP,于1999年在比利時註冊成立,是歐洲最具權威的職業攝影師聯盟,亦是歐洲攝影師的權威中心,它代表了全歐洲50000多名攝影師的權利和意願,聚焦于各成員協會共同關注的世界熱點話題。

©️FEP – Federation of European Professional Photographers

FEP Professional Photographer of the Year 2017 -Wang Hui (Photo Book Prize)

April 3 2017, FEP held its annual General Assembly in the majestic “Aula Consiliare” of the “Palazzo degli Elefanti”, historical Town Hall of Catania.

In the General Assembly, 22 FEP member associations were represented. The meeting has been held with the presence of the Major of Catania Enzo Bianco as long as the city counselor Lanfranco Zappalà.  

The General Assembly was a part of the fifth FEP Photo Days event; during the Photo Days the audience could attend presentations from 3 MQEP photographers, Günther Egger, Tiina Haring and Antonio Barrella. The annual FEP Professional Photographer of the Year  – competition’s award ceremony was also a part of the Photo Day, this time also joined by the FEP Photo Book Prize.

The winners of these competitions were Peter Cakovsky from Slovakia (Professional Photographer of the Year 2017) and Wang Hui from China (Photo Book Prize).

During the General Assembly the final budget of 2016 was approved as long as the provisional budget of 2017. FEP also adopted a new system for its membership fees: member countries will be rewarded for actively sending QEP/MQEP applications with reduced membership fees.

The General Assembly also unanimously elected a new President for the term of 2018-2020, Truls Løtvedt, from Norway. 

Congratulations to all of the award winners and to the new President! The FEP also wants to express its gratitude to Eugenio Li Volsi, a QEP photographer from Sicily and to the presidents of the two Italian FEP member associations Confartigianato Fotografi and CNA Comunicazione for their great effort to make this event happen successfully!            

@The Federation of European Photographers